Saturday, September 6, 2014

Is a new series of Singapore currency notes on the way?

Since 1967, Singapore has already issued 4 series of currency notes. We started with the Orchid series, then Bird series and Ship series before the Portrait Series today. Will there be a new series of currency notes coming soon? My gut feel is that there is a high chance that we may be seeing a new series of currency notes next year because of several reasons. Firstly, we are overdue for one. Secondly, it will be the most appropriate time to issue a new series of currency notes next year during our 50th anniversary of nation building

Let’s look at the first reason. If you look at the table below, you will realize that the orchid and bird series lasted about 10 years. The ship series did pretty well and it lasted about 16 years. The current portrait series is in the 16th year running and it will reach 17 years in service next year. In a way, this series is seriously due for a change. On top of that, there are advanced security features that were not available 16 years ago. We have probably reached the time to issue a new series of currency notes with the latest security features to combat counterfeiting.

Years in Service
Orchid Series
Bird Series
Ship Series
Portrait Series

Secondly, next year is the 50th anniversary of our nation building. What would be a better time to issue a new series of currency notes to commemorate this? In 2008, our neighbour Malaysia has issued a new 50 ringgit note to commemorate their 50th anniversary of the country’s independence and this new banknote started the country’s fourth series of currency notes. Similarly, it makes perfect sense for Singapore to issue a new series of currency notes next year.
With all these facts, I am pretty convinced that we may be seeing new currency notes for Singapore soon. I think it will not be long before we get to hear more about this.

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